Where could Australia genuinely innovate?
There is a lot of talk about innovation these days, but are we really innovating in the areas where we could generate the most benefit for Australia and the world? What is clear is that the decline in mining revenue, the elimination of manufacturing jobsand climate-dependent uncertainties in agricultural productivity mean Australia’s future prosperity cannot […]

Power to the people: how communities can help meet our renewable energy goals
The federal election campaign has highlighted the very different visions of Australia’s renewable energy future held by the major parties. The Coalition government supports the present Renewable Energy Target (RET) of 33,000 gigawatt-hours from large-scale projects in 2020, which it negotiated with the Labor opposition in 2015. It’s expected to deliver just over a 23% […]

Where are the female tradies?
Male domination of trades and trade courses in the automotive, construction, mining and energy sectors is entrenched above 95%, despite the substantial pay advantage compared to other trades such as hairdressing and hospitality. In an effort to uncover why so few girls pursue the male-dominated trade careers, I set off to schools with my pink […]

Share the light
As the local power grid was overloaded one extremely hot January day this year, the neighborhood lost power, as it does once or twice each summer. Unfazed, I reached for my trusty, D Battery powered flashlight under my kitchen sink, which only makes an appearance during these summer blackouts. And you guessed it, batteries were […]