How electric cars can help save the grid
A key question amid the consternation over the current state of Australia’s east coast energy market has been how much renewable energy capacity to build, and how fast. But help could be at hand from a surprising source: electric vehicles. By electrifying our motoring, we would boost demand for renewable energy from the grid, while […]

South Australia’s energy plan gives national regulators another headache
The keenly awaited new energy policy unveiled by South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill features a range of headline-grabbing items, such as a plan to spend A$150 million on a 100-megawatt battery storage facility to help stave off the danger of future blackouts. On page 7 of the policy document, Weatherill explains part of his underlying […]

The case for renationalising Australia’s electricity grid
The public debate over the problems of electricity supply displays a curious disconnect. On the one hand, there is virtually universal agreement that the system is in crisis. After 25 years, the promised outcomes of reform – cheaper and more reliable electricity, competitive markets and rational investment decisions – are further away than ever. On […]

How South Australia can function reliably while moving to 100% renewable power
Despite the criticism levelled at South Australia over its renewable energy ambitions, the state is nevertheless aiming to be carbon neutral by mid-century), which will mean moving to 100% renewable electricity over the next 15-20 years. The biggest challenge will be meeting the 2-3 hours of peak demand during the evenings, when wind generation happens […]

Shorten goes on front foot over 50% renewables ‘target’
Australia could be the “energy capital of Asia” but instead it is going backwards, Bill Shorten will say in a speech on Thursday, vigorously defending Labor’s target of 50% of Australia’s electricity coming from renewables by 2030. As the government floats the prospect of help for cleaner-coal power stations and attacks Labor for committing too […]