Can the world’s biggest factory ever be fully green?
Like Henry Ford before him, Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk is taking a new approach to car making. Where Ford focused on manufacturing a car that the mass market could afford, Musk is keen to build a vehicle that the environment can bear. Much has been made of the use of solar power at […]

Solar Impulse’s biggest legacy will be in your home – not in the skies
After 12 years of planning and testing, Solar Impulse has finally completed its epic voyage around the world. The solar-powered plane first set off from Abu Dhabi 16 months ago, and it has since travelled some 25,000 miles (40,000km) over 17 gruelling legs – all without using a single drop of fuel. Solar Impulse is […]

The plug and play city: how shipping containers are changing infrastructure
We often take for granted our access to vast quantities of inexpensive goods manufactured overseas. And we often overlook the unassuming innovation that has made this global industrial revolution possible: the shipping container. While the shipping container was conceived in the 1950s by American businessman Malcom McLean, it was only widely adopted after the US […]

Will the latest electricity review bring climate and energy policy together at last?
The Australian government is reviewing our electricity market to make sure it can provide secure and reliable power in a rapidly changing world. Faced with the rise of renewable energy and limits on carbon pollution, The Conversation has asked experts what kind of future awaits the grid. Australia’s National Electricity Market (NEM) is under review […]