Energy solutions but weak on climate – experts react to the Finkel Review
The keenly anticipated Finkel Review, commissioned in the wake of last year’s South Australian blackout, has made a range of recommendations aimed at delivering a reliable, secure and sustainable National Electricity Market. Among the proposals is a new Clean Energy Target to boost investment in low-carbon electricity generation, as well as moves to require high-emitting […]

How Will Installing Solar Impact My Business?
If you’re considering solar for your business, you may be wondering how much the installation process will affect your business’s productivity. While many organisations shy away from investing in a solar PV system due to misconceived notions about power outages and construction difficulties, the truth is installing solar is not a hugely complicated process, even […]

Solar Batteries for Business
As electricity prices continue to rise, businesses across Australia are becoming more conscious of their running costs. Because of this, the uptake of battery storage systems in Australia is expected to grow into a billion-dollar-a-year market by 2020. While a 2015 CSIRO study has confirmed up to one-third of all consumers are considering going off-grid […]

Managing demand can save two power stations’ worth of energy at peak times
The management of Australia’s looming energy crisis has so far focused almost exclusively on the supply side of the equation: exploiting new gas reserves, expanding the Snowy Mountains hydro scheme, and building new infrastructure. Meanwhile, the huge potential of improving efficiency and demand management, which could save vast amounts of energy, has largely been ignored. […]