Get a solar system on your business’ roof without spending a cent
Commercial solar in Australia is a no brainer for most businesses: here’s how to get a system on your roof without spending a cent of your own money. Commercial solar is taking off across Australia due to skyrocketing energy prices forcing businesses to look for ways to reduce costs combined with the plummeting costs of […]

What’s the net cost of using renewables to hit Australia’s climate target? Nothing
Australia can meet its 2030 greenhouse emissions target at zero net cost, according to our analysis of a range of options for the National Electricity Market. Our modelling shows that renewable energy can help hit Australia’s emissions reduction target of 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2030 effectively for free. This is because the cost of […]

Energy ministers’ power policy pow-wow is still driven more by headlines than details
A quick scan of this week’s headlines shows the government’s new energy plan would “slash A$120 off power bills” and that the “Turnbull government plan to address energy crisis predicts A$400 price drop”. Yes, the initial findings of the modelling of the federal government’s National Energy Guarantee (NEG) are out. Cue the latest round of […]

Commercial Solar in Australia is taking off: So what are the benefits?
Power prices in Australia are now officially amongst the highest in the world, with prices doubling over the last three years, with more pain to come. This is crazy for a country with such abundant energy resources. Let’s look at what businesses can do to reduce the damage from recent price rises and guard against […]